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Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone Reviews

(14 customer reviews)


Grant Cardone – Round Up:

BBB Rating:B+
Web Ratings:A-
Our Rating:A

Quick Stats:

  Training Quality: 87%
  Training Value: 85%
  Ease of Process: 69%
  Desired Outcome: 78%
  Customer Care: 89%
  Overall: 82%

About Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is not about subtle, or quiet, or understated. And that’s what his fiercely loyal fans love him for, with Grant regularly filling stadiums and arenas with his disciples.

He says it like it is and doesn’t take any excuses across his wide range of business education and training products. They are absolutely not for everyone, but thankfully due to his unique marketing approach anybody unsuitable has been so completely put off he’s only preaching to the pre-converted. Not content with small incremental improvements, his aggressive approach is about 10x changes in business, wealth and quality of life.

From the Grant Cardone website:

I work with small companies and Fortune 500 companies to grow sales by finding overlooked opportunities and customizing the sales process to be more effective. I have worked with companies like Google, Sprint, Aflac, Toyota, GM, Ford and thousands more.

I own and operate four companies that do almost 100m in annual sales and I’m also a New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, & considered the top sales training and social media expert in the world today.


14 reviews for Grant Cardone

  1. Michael t

    Grant Cardone and his company is a scam. I listened to one of his webinars who said they will be sending books on how to sell real estate. Instead of sending me books after I paid 997, they send me an online course to do. That is not what I asked or paid for. I paid for the books that Grant promised in the webinar. After all of this, dealing with my bank since oct. A representative sent me an email that said the bank awarded the dispute and there was nothing else that Grant Cardone can do at this time because they refunded the money back to the bank. My bank never received funds back from Grant Cardone industries. So the agent lied, and what I should have expected from Grant Cardone industries who have been known to screw people out of money. Grant Cardone industries will only refund you a short period of time after purchase, however its not in the form of payment back to your card, its the form of store credit on the Cardone website. They charge 2,000 for one book, like okay not shady or anything. Clearly I didn’t learn so I do not want to have you make the same mistake.

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  2. Michelle “Shelley” Benton

    I purchased the 10X DFY Marketing in 2021 and then the $6,000 program about 1 month later. I have had NOTHING but problems with this company since day 1. I was supposed to get 10 systems in the 10X program but until my lawyer contacted them I now have 9 and NONE of the links work. I had to get my attorney involved and they didn’t even respond to his first contact. Now, he’s tried to contact them a second time and all I got was 9 programs with links that don’t work. When I call, someone will answer and when I tell them who it is I am transferred to voice mail that has NEVER been answered. It’s the same with tech support – NO HELP WHATSOEVER!!!!! My attorney asked for them to refund my money (which I prefer so I can just erase this company) but as I said, all I got was 9 programs out of the 10 I’m supposed to get and NO phone support and NO tech support. People BEWARE. J**** Z******, P**** M**** A***** and V******* V*** are TOTAL scammers and I wouldn’t talk to them again if I had a million bucks to do so. All I can say is stay away from Grant Cardone’s Company because it’s not if you’ll get scammed but it’s you WILL get scammed and maybe not right away but it ends up that way. I say give me my money back, erase me from your database and I’ll go away. However, since they don’t respond to my attorney I’m sure they won’t respond to me. I’ll see them in court.

    2 out of 2 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  3. Jerry Fetta

    I bought Cardone University in 2016 and my income at the time was only $50,000/yr. I did exactly what they instructed, training daily 6 segments per day, 7 days a week. Within 2 years, my income was over $500,000/yr, and within 2 more years, near $1 million. I highly recommend this program to anyone who needs sales training. It is hands down the best in the industry and does what it advertises, but you must USE it is and follow instructions.

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  4. Michael Towns

    HUGE FAN!! Grant is MY GUY!! I have been following him and his advice for a while now and I have done nothing short but perform better, close better, I am a natural saleman however, I am one of the greatest in my line of work when it comes to sales. Following Grant Cardone has taken my expected or obligated close rate set at 50%……I have been CLOSING in the 90’s almost 100 using his closing strategies in “The Closer’s Survival Guide Audiobook. I have listened to it 3 times and I still listen to the objections because Grants Advice is putting me in a postion…to create my OWN Position in the Company. Not just the Franchise I work for, but the OWNERS of the Franchise…Im talking BIG!!!

    I found the Problems We have company wide…I’m headed for the big leagues and “Uncle G” is helping me out..I am more finacialy free than ever.

    Thanks Uncle Grant!!

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  5. ETD

    We purchased cardone university in 2018 for 5 users.

    Then we asked their team to reduce it to three users, because we didn’t have the same sales team anymore.

    They did this gladly! Dave R*****s spearheaded this for us!

    Now they are saying years later we owe $3,000 for back payments to them – this was after I emailed accounting dept at Cardone a number of times and was ignored.

    This company is desperate and WILL lie to take money from unsuspecting people. Now they are suing us for the $3,000- we are fighting this in court. It’s flat out dishonest.

    NEVER sign a contract with Cardone. There’s a reason he has so many “haters”

    6 out of 7 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  6. Kirk King

    This company is ignorant and arrogant, I purchased a couple planners and they will not stop calling me. I have told them a dozen times to remove me from their list, do not call, leave me the hell alone and they won’t stop harassing me. Whatever you do, don’t give them your contact information. They will harass you worse than any extended warranty company.

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  7. Bart

    yeah I want to learn from someone whos just gone banktrupt where do I sign up. No but seriously he must be so highly leveraged in his property deals that when coronavirus REALLY hits the fan and the property market fails which it will 100% you’ll wish you followed Gary Vee instead

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  8. Matthew Brookes

    there is no need to be so rude to everyone its just boring after a while

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  9. Emille

    I don’t think Grant is as good as he claims you just need to watch him and The Wolf square up on YouTube. Shouting and bluster is all. I agree with Ethan Gary Vee is so much better and you can get a lot of value from his work. I did find some of Grant’s writing interesting and my market is real estate, so I’m not giving him a terrible score but on the whole it’s just not that good TBH

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  10. Marcus T

    I discovered Grant Cardone through a “hater” on youtube who was trying to expose him as a con but it seemed really suspect and so I clicked over to do a search and everything I’ve found has been great and instructive and for me importantly completely free of charge. I’ve gotten more value from Grant’s in-depth videos and interviews than on several courses I’ve studied in the past. I’m in real estate and for me his instruction is totally on point and comes from a real knowledge of the market. I’ve not paid him anything or even seen opportunity TO pay for anything on most of what I’ve been watching so for me this is about as good a training as can be. I’ve since found there is mastermind training in my EXACT market so if I can maybe get onto that in the new year I’ll come back and review.

    11 out of 11 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  11. Ethan

    Grant is OK I prefer Gary Vee

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  12. Stoked

    Enrolled in his University as my real estate business was going nowhere fast and I couldn’t close a deal if it jumped on me. I’d lost confidence in myself, my product and the market and thought I was selling people into debt and the next recession, seriously I was a goddamn mess.

    To say Cardone University was a wake-up call is not a word of an understatement and I felt like a new man. Yes I had to face some hard truths about myself and the way I thought sales worked. I’d been in sales 25 years and I didn’t know how sales worked. Every video I watched it was like an awakening.

    Now when I pick up the phone I’m not willing my prospect to be out, I’m excited and can’t wait to help. And my closes are through the roof. No hard sales, not gimmicks, just what Grant taught me. Work is a pleasure and my rewards are reduced stress, better sleep and a much better bank balance.

    18 out of 19 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
  13. Oskar

    For all his ego the man knows sales. Not suitable for snowflakes!

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  14. Julie-Anne

    If you get chance to see Grant at a live event take it I’ve never seen someone with more energy and drive it’s totally compelling to watch the man must eat caffeine. If you’re easily sold leave your credit card at home I’d have happily bought everything he offered and then some!!!

    16 out of 17 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
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