Don’t Stand A Chance!

The Internet has made the scammer’s job easy.
Reporting on the Scammers – Hitting them where it HURTS
Our Scam Reports are your deadly weapon in the war against scammers.
Whether we’re detailing convictions or highlighting the lies the scammers tell, offering consumer protection advice or filming video reports, if there’s a story – it’s here.
Fighting for Justice
Beating the Scammers
America is truly the land of opportunity – for criminals!
Focused on the scam-heavy areas of Finance, Investing, Business and Health,
With regular free reports, unbiased consumer ratings and an army of mystery shoppers on your side, the web just got safe again.
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We don’t just report scams, we provide an alternative.
For every scam reported, we list a number of trusted and carefully vetted companies across America who can provide you with matching professional and quality services at keen prices, helping keep you safe from scams.
This is essential because many of the worst scams we see target people who are in a critical financial situation, such as seeking debt relief or putting their life savings into a new business venture.
By only ever listing trusted companies we’ve researched thoroughly using in-house and paid professional reviewers as well as our teams of mystery shoppers – when we say a service is good, we mean it.
Using the right service, or partnering with the right company on any important venture can mean the difference between a bright financial future and crippling debts, or even bankruptcy.
And when you’ve had an outcome you’re delighted with come back to and review your chosen company – to help others make the same right choice!
Find a trusted company in the field you need – enter a business type, keyword or company name – your matches will display as you type.
Or select your target category here:
Our most frequently searched companies…
Despite listing 100s of businesses and business opportunities in our Trusted Directory, there are some companies our users search for again and again.
Top-rated for client care, quality of service and the results they achieve, these companies represent the pinnacle in their market sectors.
This selection of big-name operations and smaller businesses provide a trusted scam-free service with no hidden charges or misleading small-print and staff working to strict ethical codes.
In markets targeted by scammers, these companies have joined us in our fight to stamp out scams and we don’t hesitate in recommending their services.
You want your financial or business interests to be looked after? These are the companies for you.